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ATLAS Online Software Memos
Demonstrator using ATLAS Online Software :
Software Test:
Last Modified: Nov. 21, 2001 by K. Nakayoshi(kazuo.nakayoshi@kek.jp)
Definitions and Acronyms in Online Software
CHSM is an object-oriented language system which implements Harel state
charts as Concurrent, Hierarchiacal, finite-State Machines.
- Configuration Databases
The configuration databases store a large number
of parameters describing DAQ system architecture, hardware and software
components, running modes and the system running status.
- Data Collection(DC)
- Detector Control System(DCS)
- DCS-DAQ Communication(DDC)
- Event Filter(EF) System
- High Level Triggers(HLT)
- Integrated Graphical User Interface(IGUI)
- Information Service(IS)
- Local DAQ(LDAQ)
- Message Reporting System(MRS)
- Objectivity/DB
- Object Kernel Support(OKS)
- Partition
- Physics & Event Selection Architecture(PESA)
- Process Manager(PMG)
- Read-Out Buffer(ROB)
- Read-Out Crate(ROC)
- Read-Out Driver(ROD)
- Read-Out Link(ROL)
- Read-Out Subsystem(ROS)
- Run Control
- Software Release Tools(SRT)
- Sub-Farm Crate(SFC)
- Trigger module(TRG)
TGC Elec. Ref. PC@KEK
- Hardware
- CPU: PentiumIII 1GHz
- Mem: PC133 512MB
- Disk: IDE 80GB x 2(RAID1)
- Software
- RedHat6.1(E)
- ATLAS Online Software 0.0.14
Online Software installation
Get the latest version of Online Software(release 0.0.14)
- Run install.sh script
$ ./install.sh
- Input installation directory's path
- Input path to JDK1.3 binaries
- In CERN : /afs/cern.ch/sw/java/i386_redhat61/jdk/sun-1.3.0/bin
- Otherwise : your own installed directory
- Patch the release 0.0.14
Execute the test script "play_daq" with the partition "be_test"
- Make sure bash is runnig.
- Go to your installed directory.
- Set up the necessary environment variables
$ . ./setup.sh
- Let's play
$ bash play_daq be_test no_obk
Execute the test script "play_daq" with the partition "train_01"
- Go to training directory.
$ cd (online software installed directory)/share/training
- Set up the necessary environment variables
$ . .training.sh
- make a Crate Controller
- $ cd (online software installed directory)/share/training/controller
- $ mv rc_crate_example_user.cxx rc_crate_example_user.cxx.org
- $ cp solution/rc_crate_example_user.cxx .
- $ mv rc_crate_example_user.h rc_crate_example_user.h.org
- $ cp solution/rc_crate_example_user.h .
- Modify the name for the display to your own int the XSETROOT_CMD macro
difinition at the rc_crate_example_user.cxx
- $ make
- make a GUI Panel
- $ cd (online software installed directory)/share/training/panel
- $ mv RodPanel.java RodPanel.java.org
- $ cp solution/RodPanel.java .
- $ javac RodPanel.java
- $ javac TestPanel.java
- make a Diagnostics System
- $ cd (online software installed directory)/share/training/diagnostics
- $ mv test_vme_interface.cc test_vme_interface.cc.org
- $ cp solution/test_vme_interface.cc .
- $ make
- Modify the Database
- $ cd (online software installed directory)/share/training/databases
- Modify the "attr name" of "Workstation" obj class to your own hostname at
train_01.hw.data.xml file
- Let's play
$ bash play_daq train_01 no_obk