Data register in Table is used for input and
output of data in target mode. The register is not used in
master mode.
LED register in Table is used for displaying
data into the LED in P-PCI-LV interface.
SW register is used for identifying the interface. The register is useful to identify the interface instead of using minor number of Linux device file. The minor number changes according to the position of the interface in PCI slot of PC.
The memory address register is used in master mode. The physical address of data buffer should be put.
Table: Memory address register
The Length register is also used in master mode. The byte count of data to be transferred should be put.
The Mode register is a control register to P-PCI-LV interface.
The Status register is a read-only status register.
RetLength register is used in master mode. The register includes the actual byte count which data have been transferred. The register should be read after read operation and then return the count as the return value of the operation.
FIFOLength register includes the actual size of data in FIFO. The register is used for checking the size of FIFO in long word or double word.