Jul 9, 2003 onlgw, Red Hat Linux 9 のシステムでのJavaRMIの実行 --- リモートマシンからの例題ソフトの実行 #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (http://www-online.kek.jp/~inoue/para-CAMAC/ Work/CAMAC-JavaRMI5.html) 高エネルギー加速器研究機構 素粒子原子核研究所 物理、オンライングループ 井上 栄二 目的 リモートマシン onlnote2 から、CC/NET上のSBCである onlsbc1 を ターゲットマシンとして、JavaRMIとJNIを使ったWebアプリケーションで CAMAC read/write を実行する。 (1). 構成 (2). ソフトウェア (3). 実行 -------------------------------------------------------------------- (1). 構成 テストに使用するマシンは onlnote2 と onlsbc1 である。 マシン onlnote2 は Windows XP が動作している。 Java1.4.1_02 である。 一方 onlsbc1 は、 アドバンテク社のSBC、PCM-9370である。 このSBCは、CAMACコントローラ上に 装着されている。 SBC上で動作している OSは Red Hat Linux 8.0 で、コンパク トフラッシュ上に構成してある。 Javaのバージョンは1.4.1_02 である。 (2). ソフトウェア CC/NETのSBC、ホスト名onlsbc1のURLをリモートマシンからアクセスすることで CAMACへの read/write が実行できるような例題を作る。 (2-1). サーバ側、onlsbc1.kek.jp (2-1-1). Javaのチェック [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ java -version java version "1.4.1_02" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_02-b06) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_02-b06, mixed mode) [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ (2-1-2). 実行環境 [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ env HOSTNAME=onlsbc1.kek.jp TERM=vt100 SHELL=/bin/bash JLESSCHARSET=japanese HISTSIZE=1000 SSH_CLIENT= 32973 22 SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0 USER=inoue LS_COLORS=no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;0 1:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=01;32:*.cmd=01;32:*.exe=01;32:*.com=01;32:*.b tm=01;32:*.bat=01;32:*.sh=01;32:*.csh=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31: *.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:* .bz=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;3 5:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.tif=01;35: MAIL=/var/spool/mail/inoue PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/bin:/home/inoue/bin INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc PWD=/mnt/inoue/Web LANG=ja_JP.eucJP SHLVL=1 HOME=/home/inoue LOGNAME=inoue LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1 _=/bin/env OLDPWD=/mnt/inoue [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ (2-1-3). ソフトウェア(その1) HelloWorld をアプレットで実行してみる。 [inoue@onlsbc1 inoue]$ pwd /home/inoue [inoue@onlsbc1 inoue]$ ls [inoue@onlsbc1 inoue]$ mkdir -p public_html/myclasses [inoue@onlsbc1 inoue]$ ls -lR .: 合計 1 drwxrwxr-x 3 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:06 public_html ./public_html: 合計 1 drwxrwxr-x 2 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:06 myclasses ./public_html/myclasses: 合計 0 [inoue@onlsbc1 inoue]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ pwd /mnt/inoue/JavaRMI/getStart/examples/hello [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ ls -l 合計 20 -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 1998 1月 25 2002 Hello.java -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 2574 1月 25 2002 HelloApplet.java -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 2779 1月 25 2002 HelloImpl.java -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 245 9月 30 1998 hello.html -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 81 9月 30 1998 policy [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ export CLASSPATH=.:$HOME/public_html/myclasses [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ env HOSTNAME=onlsbc1.kek.jp TERM=vt100 SHELL=/bin/bash JLESSCHARSET=japanese HISTSIZE=1000 SSH_CLIENT= 32977 22 OLDPWD=/home/inoue SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0 USER=inoue LS_COLORS=no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;0 1:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=01;32:*.cmd=01;32:*.exe=01;32:*.com=01;32:*.b tm=01;32:*.bat=01;32:*.sh=01;32:*.csh=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31: *.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:* .bz=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;3 5:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.tif=01;35: MAIL=/var/spool/mail/inoue PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/java/bin:/home/inoue/bin INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc PWD=/mnt/inoue/JavaRMI/getStart/examples/hello LANG=ja_JP.eucJP SHLVL=1 HOME=/home/inoue LOGNAME=inoue CLASSPATH=.:/home/inoue/public_html/myclasses LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1 _=/bin/env [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ javac -d $HOME/public_html/myclasses Hello.java HelloImpl .java HelloApplet.java [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ ls -l ls -lR $HOME/public_html/myclasses /home/inoue/public_html/myclasses: 合計 1 drwxrwxr-x 3 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:24 examples /home/inoue/public_html/myclasses/examples: 合計 1 drwxrwxr-x 2 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:24 hello /home/inoue/public_html/myclasses/examples/hello: 合計 5 -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 224 6月 16 09:24 Hello.class -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 1284 6月 16 09:24 HelloApplet.class -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 1247 6月 16 09:24 HelloImpl.class [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ pwd /mnt/inoue/JavaRMI/getStart/examples/hello [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ ls -l 合計 20 -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 1998 1月 25 2002 Hello.java -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 2574 1月 25 2002 HelloApplet.java -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 2779 1月 25 2002 HelloImpl.java -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 245 9月 30 1998 hello.html -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 81 9月 30 1998 policy [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ cat Hello.java /* * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * -Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * -Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any * kind. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY * EXCLUDED. SUN AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DAMAGES OR LIABILITIES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF OR * RELATING TO USE, MODIFICATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOFTWARE OR * ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, * SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER * CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF * THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that Software is not designed, licensed or * intended for use in the design, construction, operation or * maintenance of any nuclear facility. */ package examples.hello; import java.rmi.Remote; import java.rmi.RemoteException; public interface Hello extends Remote { String sayHello() throws RemoteException; } [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ cat HelloApplet.java /* * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * -Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * -Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any * kind. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY * EXCLUDED. SUN AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DAMAGES OR LIABILITIES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF OR * RELATING TO USE, MODIFICATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOFTWARE OR * ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, * SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER * CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF * THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that Software is not designed, licensed or * intended for use in the design, construction, operation or * maintenance of any nuclear facility. */ package examples.hello; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.rmi.Naming; import java.rmi.RemoteException; public class HelloApplet extends Applet { String message = "blank"; // "obj" is the identifier that we'll use to refer // to the remote object that implements the "Hello" // interface Hello obj = null; public void init() { try { obj = (Hello)Naming.lookup("//" + getCodeBase().getHost() + "/HelloServer"); message = obj.sayHello(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("HelloApplet exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawString(message, 25, 50); } } [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ cat HelloImpl.java /* * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * -Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * -Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any * kind. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY * EXCLUDED. SUN AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DAMAGES OR LIABILITIES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF OR * RELATING TO USE, MODIFICATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOFTWARE OR * ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, * SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER * CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF * THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that Software is not designed, licensed or * intended for use in the design, construction, operation or * maintenance of any nuclear facility. */ package examples.hello; import java.rmi.Naming; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.rmi.RMISecurityManager; import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject; public class HelloImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Hello { public HelloImpl() throws RemoteException { super(); } public String sayHello() { return "Hello World!"; } public static void main(String args[]) { // Create and install a security manager if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager()); } try { HelloImpl obj = new HelloImpl(); // Bind this object instance to the name "HelloServer" Naming.rebind("HelloServer", obj); System.out.println("HelloServer bound in registry"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("HelloImpl err: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ cat hello.html <HTML> <title>Hello World</title> <center> <h1>Hello World</h1> </center> The message from the HelloServer is: <p> <applet codebase="myclasses/" code="examples.hello.HelloApplet" width=500 height=120> </applet> </HTML> [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ cat policy grant { // Allow everything for now permission java.security.AllPermission; }; [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ rmic -d $HOME/public_html/myclasses examples.hello.HelloI mpl [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ ls -lR $HOME/public_html/myclasses /home/inoue/public_html/myclasses: 合計 1 drwxrwxr-x 3 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:24 examples /home/inoue/public_html/myclasses/examples: 合計 1 drwxrwxr-x 2 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:26 hello /home/inoue/public_html/myclasses/examples/hello: 合計 10 -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 224 6月 16 09:24 Hello.class -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 1284 6月 16 09:24 HelloApplet.class -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 1247 6月 16 09:24 HelloImpl.class -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 1448 6月 16 09:26 HelloImpl_Skel.class -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 2920 6月 16 09:26 HelloImpl_Stub.class [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ cp hello.html $HOME/public_html [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ ls -l $HOME/.. 合計 3 drwx------ 2 harada harada 1024 5月 14 22:59 harada drwx------ 4 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:06 inoue drwx------ 2 yasu yasu 1024 5月 14 22:59 yasu [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ chmod o+x $HOME/../inoue [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ ls -l $HOME/.. 合計 3 drwx------ 2 harada harada 1024 5月 14 22:59 harada drwx-----x 4 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:06 inoue drwx------ 2 yasu yasu 1024 5月 14 22:59 yasu [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [root@onlsbc1 hello]# ls -l /etc/httpd/conf 合計 50 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34817 9月 5 2002 httpd.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12959 9月 5 2002 magic [root@onlsbc1 hello]# mv /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf-o rg [root@onlsbc1 hello]# cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf-org /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.co nf [root@onlsbc1 hello]# ls -l /etc/httpd/conf 合計 86 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34817 6月 16 10:30 httpd.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34817 9月 5 2002 httpd.conf-org -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12959 9月 5 2002 magic [root@onlsbc1 hello]# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf : #ServerName new.host.name:80 ServerName onlsbc1.kek.jp:80 :# # UserDir is disabled by default since it can confirm the presence # of a username on the system (depending on home directory # permissions). # #UserDir disable # # To enable requests to /~user/ to serve the user's public_html # directory, remove the "UserDir disable" line above, and uncomment # the following line instead: # UserDir public_html : "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" 1034L, 34846C written [root@onlsbc1 hello]# [root@onlsbc1 html]# ls -l /home 合計 3 drwx------ 2 harada harada 1024 5月 14 22:59 harada drwxr-xr-x 4 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:06 inoue drwx------ 2 yasu yasu 1024 5月 14 22:59 yasu [root@onlsbc1 html]# mkdir -p /home/onlsbc1/public_html [root@onlsbc1 html]# ls -l /home 合計 4 drwx------ 2 harada harada 1024 5月 14 22:59 harada drwxr-xr-x 4 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:06 inoue drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 1024 6月 16 15:09 onlsbc1 drwx------ 2 yasu yasu 1024 5月 14 22:59 yasu [root@onlsbc1 html]# [root@onlsbc1 html]# ls -l /home/inoue/public_html 合計 5 -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 245 6月 16 09:28 hello.html -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 2145 6月 16 10:38 index.html drwxrwxr-x 3 inoue inoue 1024 6月 16 09:24 myclasses [root@onlsbc1 html]# cp /home/inoue/public_html/index.html /home/onlsbc1/public_ html [root@onlsbc1 html]# [root@onlsbc1 html]# pwd /var/www/html [root@onlsbc1 html]# ls -l 合計 0 [root@onlsbc1 html]# ln -s /home/onlsbc1/public_html/index.html index.html [root@onlsbc1 html]# ls -l 合計 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 36 6月 16 15:12 index.html -> /home/onl sbc1/public_html/index.html [root@onlsbc1 html]# [root@onlsbc1 hello]# /sbin/service httpd start httpdを起動中: [ OK ] [root@onlsbc1 hello]# [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ rmiregistry & [1] 696 [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ ps -ef UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 1 0 0 14:41 ? 00:00:04 init root 2 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00 [keventd] root 3 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00 [kapmd] root 4 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00 [ksoftirqd_CPU0] root 5 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00 [kswapd] root 6 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00 [bdflush] root 7 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00 [kupdated] root 8 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00 [mdrecoveryd] root 12 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00 [kjournald] root 63 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00 [khubd] root 433 1 0 14:43 ? 00:00:00 syslogd -m 0 root 437 1 0 14:43 ? 00:00:00 klogd -x rpc 448 1 0 14:43 ? 00:00:00 [portmap] root 511 1 0 14:43 ? 00:00:01 /usr/sbin/sshd root 523 1 0 14:43 tty1 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty1 root 524 1 0 14:43 tty2 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty2 root 525 1 0 14:43 tty3 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty3 root 526 1 0 14:43 tty4 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty4 root 527 1 0 14:43 tty5 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty5 root 528 1 0 14:43 tty6 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty6 root 533 511 0 14:58 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd inoue 535 533 0 14:58 ? 00:00:01 [sshd] inoue 536 535 0 14:58 pts/0 00:00:00 -bash root 589 1 0 14:59 ? 00:00:00 [rpciod] root 590 1 0 14:59 ? 00:00:00 [lockd] root 660 1 0 15:15 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd apache 663 660 0 15:15 ? 00:00:00 [httpd] apache 664 660 0 15:15 ? 00:00:00 [httpd] apache 665 660 0 15:15 ? 00:00:00 [httpd] apache 666 660 0 15:15 ? 00:00:00 [httpd] apache 667 660 0 15:15 ? 00:00:00 [httpd] apache 668 660 0 15:15 ? 00:00:00 [httpd] apache 669 660 0 15:15 ? 00:00:00 [httpd] apache 670 660 0 15:15 ? 00:00:00 [httpd] inoue 696 536 62 15:22 pts/0 00:00:03 rmiregistry inoue 708 536 0 15:22 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -ef [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 hello]$ java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=http://onlsbc1.kek.jp/~in oue/myclasses/ -Djava.security.policy=/mnt/inoue/JavaRMI/getStart/examples/hello /policy examples.hello.HelloImpl HelloServer bound in registry (2-1-3A). サーバへのアクセス webブラウザ、IEを使ってサーバにアクセスした結果 Webブラウザ、IEで "http://onlsbc1.kek.jp/~inoue/hello.html" に アクセスすると、"Hello World!"と表示される。 (2-1-4). ソフトウェア(その2) CAMAC-JavaRMI4.htmlで使用したソフトをアプレット化して実行してみる。 (2-1-4A). GUI部のテスト ClientImpl.java とGUIの部分のアプレットを一体にして動かしてみる。 注. この部分は、ホスト名 onlgw 上でテストした。 [inoue@onlgw Swing]$ pwd /home/inoue/public_html/Web/Swing [inoue@onlgw Swing]$ more web3.java // File Name: web3.java // Date: Jun 24, 2003 // Edited by: Eiji Inoue import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.io.*; import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.*; public class web3 extends JApplet implements ActionListener { JLabel jLabel1 = new JLabel("CAMAC Command:"); JLabel jLabel2 = new JLabel("Write Data :"); JPanel jPanel1 = new JPanel(); JTextField tField = new JTextField("5,1,0"); JTextField tField2 = new JTextField("ffff"); JTextArea tArea = new JTextArea(10,30); JButton btAppend = new JButton("GO"); String host = "onlsbc1"; ClientImpl obj = new ClientImpl( host ); public void init() { this.setSize(new Dimension(400,300)); jPanel1.setLayout(null); jLabel1.setBounds(new Rectangle(12, 34, 120, 22)); jLabel2.setBounds(new Rectangle(12, 64, 120, 22)); tField.setBounds(new Rectangle(120, 34, 120, 22)); tField.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.PLAIN,18)); tField2.setBounds(new Rectangle(120, 64, 120, 22)); tField2.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.PLAIN,18)); // String str = "上の窓のところにCAMACコマンドおよびデータを記入後、右上の「G O」のボタンを押すと、"; // str += "CAMACコマンドの実行結果がこの窓の部分に表示されます。"; String str = "For scroll down to the last message, left-click the mouse butt on once on blank area following this text line."; // str += "\n"; tArea.setText(str); //デフォルトのテキストを表示 tArea.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.PLAIN,14)); tArea.setTabSize(4); //タブサイズを設定 tArea.setLineWrap(true); //右辺で自動折り返しにする tArea.setSelectionColor(Color.lightGray); //反転選択範囲の背景色 tArea.setSelectedTextColor(Color.blue); //反転選択範囲の文字色 tArea.setEnabled(false); //テキストエリアがキー入力を取らないようにする btAppend.setBounds(new Rectangle(265, 64, 76, 22)); btAppend.addActionListener(this); this.getContentPane().add(jLabel1, BorderLayout.NORTH); this.getContentPane().add(jPanel1, BorderLayout.CENTER); // JScrollPane jScrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(tArea); JScrollPane jScrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(); // jScrollPane2.getViewport().setView(tArea); jScrollPane2.setPreferredSize( new Dimension (300, 300 )); jScrollPane2.getViewport().add(tArea); jScrollPane2.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 120, 485, 165)); jPanel1.add(jScrollPane2); jPanel1.add(jLabel1); jPanel1.add(jLabel2); jPanel1.add(tField); jPanel1.add(tField2); jPanel1.add(btAppend); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ if(e.getSource()==btAppend){ //「末尾に追加」ボタン tArea.append("\n" + "web3: Sent CAMAC command = " + tField.getText() + ", data =" + tField2.getText()); // ClientImpl.mess = tField.getText(); ClientImpl.acmd = tField.getText(); ClientImpl.adat = tField2.getText(); obj.keyincmd(); tArea.append( "\n" + ClientImpl.mess ); tArea.append( "\n" + "web3: Received Command field = " + Integer.toHexStr ing( ClientImpl.scmd[0] ) + ", Data field = " + Integer.toHexString( ClientImp l.sdat[0] ) ); tArea.append("\n"); } } /* protected void log( final String s){ Runnable r = new Runnable(){ public void run(){ tArea.append("\n" + "log: " + s); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r); return; } */ } /**/ // File Name: ClientImpl.java // Date: Apr 28, 2003 // Edited by: Eiji Inoue //import java.io.*; //import java.rmi.*; //import java.rmi.server.*; class ClientImpl implements Client { public static final int CMD_F16_A0_N3 = 0xE0030010; public static final int CMD_F0_A0_N3 = 0xE0030000; public static final char COM = ','; public static final char QUIT = 'q'; public static final char EXAM = 'e'; public static final char STAR = 'g'; public static final char SIN = 's'; public static final char DMA = 'd'; public static int scmd[] = new int[100]; public static int sdat[] = new int[100]; public static String mess; public static String acmd; public static String adat; static Server server; static web3 web3s; public ClientImpl(String host) { try{ UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(this); Server server = (Server)Naming.lookup("//"+host+"/Server"); server.register(this); ClientImpl.server = server; } catch ( Exception e ) { System.err.println ("Failed to setup for RMI"); } } public void camac_exec( int l_count, int examN ) { int[] s_cmd, s_dat; int[] array_sizes = {4096*16}; int s_length; int j; try{ System.out.println(" RMI: Client side: "); // to send int array System.out.println(" RMI: Sent CAMAC command: array le ngth =" + l_count ); for (int i = 0; i < l_count + 1; i++) System.out.println(" ClientImpl.scmd[" + i + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.scmd[i]) + ", ClientImpl.sdat[" + i + " ] = 0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.sdat[i])); ClientImpl.server.camac_cmd(ClientImpl.scmd, ClientImpl. sdat, l_count, examN ); } catch ( Exception e ) { System.err.println ("Failed to setup for RMI step2"); } } public void camac_reply( int[] c_reply, int[] d_reply, int[] rcmd_buf, i nt[] rrpl_buf, int l_reply) throws RemoteException { System.out.println(); System.out.println(" RMI: Received CAMAC reply: " + "array len gth = " + l_reply); for (int i = 0; i < l_reply + 1; i++) { System.out.println(" c_reply[" + i + "] = 0x" + Integer .toHexString(c_reply[i]) + ", d_reply[" + i + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(d_r eply[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < l_reply + 1; i += 2) { System.out.println(" rcmd_buf[" + i + "] = 0x" + Intege r.toHexString(rcmd_buf[i]) + ", rcmd_buf[" + ( i + 1 ) + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHe xString(rcmd_buf[i+1])); System.out.println(" rrpl_buf[" + i + "] = 0x" + Intege r.toHexString(rrpl_buf[i]) + ", rrpl_buf[" + ( i + 1 ) + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHe xString(rrpl_buf[i+1])); } keyincmd(); // keyincmd( "next" ); } // TX // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // | cmd | N | A | F | | 24-bit DATA | // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // // cmd Header pattern // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // | | Packet | Packet | Packet | Single | // | | Start | Period | End | Frame Packet | // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // | CAMAC | | | | | // | Operation | 0xC0 | 0x8C | 0xA0 | 0xE0 | // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // | CAMAC | | | | | // | LAM | -- | -- | -- | 0xE8 | // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // | DAQ Trigger | | | | | // | out | 0xD0 | 0x90 | 0xB0 | 0xF0 | // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // | DAQ | | | | | // | Interrupt | -- | -- | -- | 0xF8 | // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // // CAMAC N. // 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 32 // +--------------------+----------------+-------------------+---------------+ // | - - - N16 | N8 N4 N2 N1 | | | | | // +--------------------+----------------+-------------------+---------------+ // // CAMAC A. // 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 32 // +--------------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------+ // | - - - - | A8 A4 A2 A1 | | | // +--------------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------+ // // CAMAC F. // 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 // +--------------------+----------------+------------------+----------------+ // | - - - F16 | F8 F4 F2 F1 | // +--------------------+----------------+------------------+----------------+ // public void cmdbld( int n, int a, int f, int l_count ){ // CAMAC Single action. System.out.println ( " Make up CAMAC Command of Single action." ); System.out.println ( " Accepted data: n = " + n + ", a = " + a + ", f = " + f + ", l_count = " + l_count ); a = a << 8; n = n << 16; ClientImpl.scmd [ l_count -1 ] = 0xE0000000 | ( 0x0000001F & f ) | ( 0x000 00F00 & a ) | ( 0x001F0000 & n ); System.out.println ( " ClientImpl.scmd [ " + ( l_count -1 ) + " ] = " + ClientImpl.scmd [ l_count -1 ] + "(dec), " + "0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientI mpl.scmd [ l_count -1 ] ) + "(hex)" ); System.out.println ( " ClientImpl.sdat [ " + ( l_count -1 ) + " ] = " + ClientImpl.sdat [ l_count -1 ] + "(dec), " + "0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientI mpl.sdat [ l_count -1 ] ) + "(hex)" ); // CAMAC LAM handling. // CAMAC DMA action. } // public void keyincmd( String s2) { public void keyincmd() { // public String keyincmd( ) { char cstr[] = new char[20]; char n[] = new char[4]; char a[] = new char[4]; char f[] = new char[4]; char kc[] = new char[4]; int c[] = new int[3]; int i, i2, count, loop, k_error; int spoin, epoin; int examN; String cn = "0", ca = "0", cf = "0"; String tmp; String nchk[] = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", " b", "c", "d", "e", "f" }; // String s1 = "keyincmd: " + "Received CAMAC Command =" + s2 + "\n" + "key incmd: " + "Sent Reply command field = 0xe0030010" + ", data field = 0x555"; String s1 = "keyincmd: " + "ClientImpl.acmd =" + ClientImpl.acmd + ", Cl ientImpl.adat =" + ClientImpl.adat + "\n" + "keyincmd: " + "Sent Reply command f ield = 0xe0030010" + ", data field = 0x555"; mess = s1; ClientImpl.scmd[0] = 0xe0030010; ClientImpl.sdat[0] = 0x555; // return (s1); return; /* InputStream inStream = System.in; InputStreamReader InData = new InputStreamReader ( inStream ); int s_flg = 0; try{ spoin = 0; epoin = 0; loop = 2; k_error = 0; examN = 0; System.out.println ( "" ); System.out.println ( " (1). Enter 'q' to quit." ); System.out.println ( " (2). Enter 'e' to execute an example program." ) ; System.out.println ( " (3). Enter 's' to set up Single action CAMAC com mand"); // System.out.println ( " (4). Enter 'd' to set up DMA action CAMAC comm and"); System.out.println ( " (4). Enter 'g' to start up command execution." ) ; System.out.println ( "" ); while ( loop > 1 ) { if ( k_error == 1 ) { System.out.println ( "" ); k_error = 0; } // Execution command interpret. System.out.print ( "Execution Command('q' or 'e' or 'g' or 's' or 'd') = "); count = InData.read ( cstr, 0, 19 ); String str1 = new String ( cstr ); if ( QUIT == str1.charAt ( 0 ) ) { s_flg = 2; break; } else if ( EXAM == str1.charAt ( 0 )) { // example program execution; System.out.println( " What's number of program which do you want to execute ? --- default:[1] "); System.out.println( " exam1:[1], exam2:[2], exam3:[3], exam4 :[4], exam5:[5], exam6:[6], exam21:[7], pio_write_read[8], read:[9], read_write: [a], reg_dump:[b], write:[c], write_read:[d]"); System.out.print( " Number = " ); count = InData.read ( cstr, 0, 19 ); String str2 = new String ( cstr ); cn = str2.substring ( 0, 1 ); cn.getChars(0, 1, kc, 0); try { switch ( kc[0] ) { case '1': s_flg = 1; examN = 1; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am 1. " ); break; case '2': s_flg = 1; examN = 2; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am 2. " ); break; case '3': s_flg = 1; examN = 3; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am 3. " ); break; case '4': s_flg = 1; examN = 4; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am 4. " ); break; case '5': s_flg = 1; examN = 5; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am 5. " ); break; case '6': s_flg = 1; examN = 6; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am 6. " ); break; case '7': s_flg = 1; examN = 7; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am 21. " ); break; case '8': s_flg = 1; examN = 8; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am pio_write_read. " ); break; case '9': s_flg = 1; examN = 9; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am read. " ); break; case 'a': s_flg = 1; examN = 0xa; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am read_write."); break; case 'b': s_flg = 1; examN = 0xb; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am reg_dump."); break; case 'c': s_flg = 1; examN = 0xc; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am write."); break; case 'd': s_flg = 1; examN = 0xd; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up an example progr am write_read."); break; default: break; } break; } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { System.out.println( " NumberFormatExeception occurred !! " ); System.out.println( "" ); } } else if ( STAR == str1.charAt ( 0 )) { if ( epoin == 0 ) { s_flg = 5; System.out.print ( " Command bufer is empty !!"); System.out.println ( "" ); continue; } else { // camacstart(); s_flg = 1; examN = 0xe; System.out.println( " Ok. Start up CAMAC execution. " ); break; } } else if ( SIN == str1.charAt ( 0 )) { // Single action. s_flg = 3; } else if ( DMA == str1.charAt ( 0 )) { // DNA action. s_flg = 4; System.out.println ( " DMA Action." ); } else { s_flg = 5; System.out.println ( " Unmanageable Action." ); continue; } tmp = str1.substring ( 0, count -1 ); System.out.println ( " Execution Command: " + tmp ); if ( s_flg == 4 ) { // DMA mode & word count set up. // Q stop, Q Ignore, Q request, Q scan. System.out.println ( " DMA set up: " ); System.out.println ( " DMA set up: DMA mode: " ); System.out.println ( " DMA set up: DMA wor count: " ); } // N,A,F CAMAC command set up. System.out.print ( "CAMAC Command (N, A, F)(dec) = " ); count = InData.read ( cstr, 0, 19 ); String str = new String ( cstr ); // Single action set up. i2 = 0; for ( i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ ) { if ( COM == str.charAt ( i ) ) { c[ i2++ ] = i; } } cn = str.substring ( 0, c[ 0 ] ); ca = str.substring ( c[ 0 ] +1, c[ 1 ] ); cf = str.substring ( c[ 1 ] +1, count-1 ); try{ int in = Integer.parseInt(cn, 10); if ( ( in < 0 ) || ( in > 25 ) ) { System.out.println ( " Command Error: Illegal value of N: O ut of range !! " ); k_error = 1; continue; } int ia = Integer.parseInt(ca, 10); if ( ( ia < 0 ) || ( ia > 15 ) ) { System.out.println ( " Command Error: Illegal value of A: O ut of range !! " ); k_error = 1; continue; } int inf = Integer.parseInt(cf, 10); if ( ( inf < 0 ) || ( inf > 31 ) ) { System.out.println ( " Command Error: Illegal value of F: O ut of range !! " ); k_error = 1; continue; } if ( ( inf >= 16 ) && ( inf <= 23 ) ) { // データ入力要求 int datf = 0; do { System.out.print ( " Write Data(hex) = " ); count = InData.read ( cstr, 0, 19 ); str = new String ( cstr ); String cdat = str.substring ( 0, count -1 ); for ( i = 0; i < count -1; i++) { String cdat1 = cdat.substring ( i, i + 1 ); // numerical check for ( i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++ ) { if ( cdat1.equals( nchk [ i2 ] ) ) { datf = 0; break; } datf = 1; } if ( datf == 1 ) { System.out.println ( " Data error: Illegal character - -- " + cdat1 + " !" ); System.out.println ( "" ); break; } } if ( datf == 1) { continue; } ClientImpl.sdat [ loop -1 ] = Integer.parseInt( cdat, 16); System.out.println ( " 入力されたData: " + ClientImpl.sdat [ loop -1 ] + "(dec), 0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.sdat [ loop -1 ] ) + "(hex)"); if ( ( ClientImpl.sdat [ loop -1 ] < 0 ) || ( ClientImpl.sdat [ loop -1 ] > 0xffffff ) ) { System.out.println ( " Data error: Out of range --- " + ClientImpl.sdat [ loop -1 ] + " !" ); System.out.println ( "" ); datf = 1; continue; } } while ( datf == 1 ); } // CAMAC command set up. cmdbld ( in, ia, inf, loop ); epoin++; loop++; System.out.println ( "" ); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println(" NumberFormatException occurred !!"); System.out.println ( "" ); } } // end of while loop if ( s_flg == 1 ) { camac_exec( loop -2, examN ); } else if ( s_flg == 2 ) { System.out.println ( " Quited Program. Enter Ctl-C. " ); } } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println ( " IOException Error:" + e + " !"); } */ } /* public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception{ String host = (argv.length == 1) ? argv[0] : "localhost"; ClientImpl obj = new ClientImpl(host); obj.keyincmd(); } */ } [inoue@onlgw Swing]$ GUIの部分の動作をテストする。 合わせて、アプレットとClientImplクラスの 間のメッセージのやり取りを調べる。 [inoue@onlgw Swing]$ pwd /home/inoue/public_html/Web/Swing [inoue@onlgw Swing]$ make clean rm -f *.class cam.h libMyImpOfcam.so *.o core *~ [inoue@onlgw Swing]$ make javac web3.java javac cam.java javah -jni cam gcc -c camac.c gcc -O -shared -I/usr/java/include -I/usr/java/include/linux cam.c camac.o -o li bMyImpOfcam.so javac ServerImpl.java rmic ClientImpl rmic ServerImpl [inoue@onlgw Swing]$ IEを使って、onlgw 上の web3.htmlファイルをアクセスするとGUI部の アプレットがが起動した。ok. アプレットweb3とClientImpl.keyincmd()との間でのメッセージの受け渡し は正しく実行できている。 (2-1-4B). CAMACアクセス部を含めた動作確認 CAMACアクセスの部分はポートI/Oコマンドを使って実行する。 CAMAC-JavaRMI4.htmlで使用したソフトを修正して使用した。 注. 以降のテストはサーバマシンとして再び、CC/NETのSBC、ホスト名 onlsbc1 を使用している。 (2-1-4B-1). web3.java [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ more web3.java // File Name: web3.java // Date: Jun 24, 2003 // Edited by: Eiji Inoue import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.io.*; import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.*; public class web3 extends JApplet implements ActionListener { JLabel jLabel1 = new JLabel("CAMAC Command:"); JLabel jLabel2 = new JLabel("Write Data (Hex) :"); JPanel jPanel1 = new JPanel(); JTextField tField = new JTextField("5,1,0"); JTextField tField2 = new JTextField("ffff"); JTextArea tArea = new JTextArea(10,30); JButton btAppend = new JButton("GO"); String host = "onlsbc1"; // ClientImpl obj = new ClientImpl( host ); ClientImpl obj = new ClientImpl( ); // obj.ClientImpl1( String host ); public void init() { this.setSize(new Dimension(400,300)); jPanel1.setLayout(null); jLabel1.setBounds(new Rectangle(12, 34, 120, 22)); jLabel2.setBounds(new Rectangle(12, 64, 120, 22)); tField.setBounds(new Rectangle(120, 34, 120, 22)); tField.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.PLAIN,18)); tField2.setBounds(new Rectangle(120, 64, 120, 22)); tField2.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.PLAIN,18)); // String str = "上の窓のところにCAMACコマンドおよびデータを記入後、右上の「G O」のボタンを押すと、"; // str += "CAMACコマンドの実行結果がこの窓の部分に表示されます。"; String str = "For scroll down to the last message, left-click the mouse butt on once on blank area following this text line."; // str += "\n"; tArea.setText(str); //デフォルトのテキストを表示 tArea.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.PLAIN,14)); tArea.setTabSize(4); //タブサイズを設定 tArea.setLineWrap(true); //右辺で自動折り返しにする tArea.setSelectionColor(Color.lightGray); //反転選択範囲の背景色 tArea.setSelectedTextColor(Color.blue); //反転選択範囲の文字色 tArea.setEnabled(false); //テキストエリアがキー入力を取らないようにする btAppend.setBounds(new Rectangle(265, 64, 76, 22)); btAppend.addActionListener(this); this.getContentPane().add(jLabel1, BorderLayout.NORTH); this.getContentPane().add(jPanel1, BorderLayout.CENTER); JScrollPane jScrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(tArea); // JScrollPane jScrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(); // jScrollPane2.getViewport().setView(tArea); jScrollPane2.setPreferredSize( new Dimension (300, 300 )); jScrollPane2.getViewport().add(tArea); jScrollPane2.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 120, 485, 165)); jPanel1.add(jScrollPane2); jPanel1.add(jLabel1); jPanel1.add(jLabel2); jPanel1.add(tField); jPanel1.add(tField2); jPanel1.add(btAppend); // setVisible(true); // tArea.requestFocus(); // try { // obj = (Hello)Naming.lookup("//" + getCodeBase().getHost() + "/HelloSer ver"); // message = obj.sayHello(); // } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println("HelloApplet exception: " + e.getMessage()); // e.printStackTrace(); // } // public ClientImpl(String host) { try{ // UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(this); UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(obj); // UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(super); // Server server = (Server)Naming.lookup("//"+host+"/Server"); Server server = (Server)Naming.lookup("//" + getCodeBase().ge tHost() + "/Server"); // server.register(this); server.register(obj); // server.register(super); ClientImpl.server = server; tArea.append( "\n" + "Success to setup for RMI" ); } catch ( Exception e ) { // System.err.println ("Failed to setup for RMI"); tArea.append( "\n" + "Failed to setup for RMI" ); } // } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ if(e.getSource()==btAppend){ //「末尾に追加」ボタン tArea.append("\n" + "web3: Sent CAMAC command = " + tField.getText() + ", data =" + tField2.getText()); // ClientImpl.mess = tField.getText(); ClientImpl.acmd = tField.getText(); ClientImpl.adat = tField2.getText(); obj.keyincmd(); tArea.append( "\n" + ClientImpl.mess ); tArea.append( "\n" + "web3: Received Command field = " + Integer.toHexStr ing( ClientImpl.scmd[0] ) + ", Data field = " + Integer.toHexString( ClientImp l.sdat[0] ) ); tArea.append("\n"); } } /* protected void log( final String s){ Runnable r = new Runnable(){ public void run(){ tArea.append("\n" + "log: " + s); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r); return; } */ } /**/ // File Name: ClientImpl.java // Date: Apr 28, 2003 // Edited by: Eiji Inoue //import java.io.*; //import java.rmi.*; //import java.rmi.server.*; class ClientImpl implements Client { public static final int CMD_F16_A0_N3 = 0xE0030010; public static final int CMD_F0_A0_N3 = 0xE0030000; public static final char COM = ','; public static final char QUIT = 'q'; public static final char EXAM = 'e'; public static final char STAR = 'g'; public static final char SIN = 's'; public static final char DMA = 'd'; public static int scmd[] = new int[100]; public static int sdat[] = new int[100]; public static String mess; public static String acmd; public static String adat; static Server server; static web3 web3s; /* // public void ClientImpl1(String host) { public ClientImpl(String host) { try{ UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(this); // UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(super); Server server = (Server)Naming.lookup("//"+host+"/Server"); server.register(this); // server.register(super); ClientImpl.server = server; String s3 = "Success to setup for RMI"; mess = s3; } catch ( Exception e ) { // System.err.println ("Failed to setup for RMI"); String s3 = "Failed to setup for RMI"; mess = s3; } } */ public void camac_exec( int l_count, int examN ) { int[] s_cmd, s_dat; int[] array_sizes = {4096*16}; int s_length; int i, j; String s2 = ""; s2 = mess + "\n" + "Top of camac_exec"; mess = s2; try{ // System.out.println(" RMI: Client side: "); s2 = mess + "\n" + "camac_exec: RMI: Client side: "; mess = s2; // to send int array // System.out.println(" RMI: Sent CAMAC command: array le ngth =" + l_count ); s2 = mess + "\n" + "camac_exec: RMI: Sent CAMAC command : array legth =" + l_count; mess = s2; /* i = 0; s2 = mess + "\n" + "camac_exec: ClientImpl.scmd[" + i + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.scmd[i]) + ", ClientImpl.sdat[" + i + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.sdat[i]); mess = s2; */ for (i = 0; i < l_count + 1; i++) { // System.out.println(" ClientImpl.scmd[" + i + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.scmd[i]) + ", ClientImpl.sdat[" + i + " ] = 0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.sdat[i])); s2 = mess + "\n" + "camac_exec: ClientImpl.scmd [" + i + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.scmd[i]) + ", ClientImpl.sda t[" + i + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.sdat[i]); mess = s2; } s2 = mess + "\n" + "before ClientImpl.server.camac_cmd"; mess = s2; ClientImpl.server.camac_cmd(ClientImpl.scmd, ClientImpl. sdat, l_count, examN ); s2 = mess + "\n" + "after ClientImpl.server.camac_cmd"; mess = s2; } catch ( Exception e ) { // System.err.println ("Failed to setup for RMI step2"); s2 = mess + "\n" + "Failed to setup for RMI step2"; mess = s2; } s2 = mess + "\n" + "End of camac_exec"; mess = s2; } public void camac_reply( int[] c_reply, int[] d_reply, int[] rcmd_buf, i nt[] rrpl_buf, int l_reply) throws RemoteException { System.out.println(); System.out.println(" RMI: Received CAMAC reply: " + "array len gth = " + l_reply); for (int i = 0; i < l_reply + 1; i++) { System.out.println(" c_reply[" + i + "] = 0x" + Integer .toHexString(c_reply[i]) + ", d_reply[" + i + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(d_r eply[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < l_reply + 1; i += 2) { System.out.println(" rcmd_buf[" + i + "] = 0x" + Intege r.toHexString(rcmd_buf[i]) + ", rcmd_buf[" + ( i + 1 ) + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHe xString(rcmd_buf[i+1])); System.out.println(" rrpl_buf[" + i + "] = 0x" + Intege r.toHexString(rrpl_buf[i]) + ", rrpl_buf[" + ( i + 1 ) + "] = 0x" + Integer.toHe xString(rrpl_buf[i+1])); } // keyincmd(); // keyincmd( "next" ); } // TX // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // | cmd | N | A | F | | 24-bit DATA | // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // // cmd Header pattern // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // | | Packet | Packet | Packet | Single | // | | Start | Period | End | Frame Packet | // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // | CAMAC | | | | | // | Operation | 0xC0 | 0x8C | 0xA0 | 0xE0 | // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // | CAMAC | | | | | // | LAM | -- | -- | -- | 0xE8 | // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // | DAQ Trigger | | | | | // | out | 0xD0 | 0x90 | 0xB0 | 0xF0 | // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // | DAQ | | | | | // | Interrupt | -- | -- | -- | 0xF8 | // +-------------+---------+---------+---------+---------------+ // // CAMAC N. // 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 32 // +--------------------+----------------+-------------------+---------------+ // | - - - N16 | N8 N4 N2 N1 | | | | | // +--------------------+----------------+-------------------+---------------+ // // CAMAC A. // 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 32 // +--------------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------+ // | - - - - | A8 A4 A2 A1 | | | // +--------------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------+ // // CAMAC F. // 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 // +--------------------+----------------+------------------+----------------+ // | - - - F16 | F8 F4 F2 F1 | // +--------------------+----------------+------------------+----------------+ // public void cmdbld( int n, int a, int f, int l_count ){ // CAMAC Single action. String s2 = ""; // System.out.println ( " Make up CAMAC Command of Single action." ); // System.out.println ( " Accepted data: n = " + n + ", a = " + a + ", f = " + f + ", l_count = " + l_count ); s2 = mess + "\n" + "cmdbld: " + " Make up CAMAC Command of Single action ."; mess = s2; s2 = mess + "\n" + "cmdbld: " + " Accepted data: n = " + n + ", a = " + a + ", f= " + f + ", l_count = " + l_count; mess = s2; a = a << 8; n = n << 16; ClientImpl.scmd [ l_count -1 ] = 0xE0000000 | ( 0x0000001F & f ) | ( 0x000 00F00 & a ) | ( 0x001F0000 & n ); // System.out.println ( " ClientImpl.scmd [ " + ( l_count -1 ) + " ] = " + ClientImpl.scmd [ l_count -1 ] + "(dec), " + "0x" + Integer.toHexString( Clien tImpl.scmd [ l_count -1 ] ) + "(hex)" ); // System.out.println ( " ClientImpl.sdat [ " + ( l_count -1 ) + " ] = " + ClientImpl.sdat [ l_count -1 ] + "(dec), " + "0x" + Integer.toHexString( Clien tImpl.sdat [ l_count -1 ] ) + "(hex)" ); s2 = mess + "\n" + "cmdbld: " + " ClientImpl.scmd [ " + ( l_count -1 ) + " ] = " + ClientImpl.scmd [ l_count -1 ] + "(dec), " + "0x" + Integer.toHexStri ng( ClientImpl.scmd [ l_count -1 ] ) + "(hex)"; mess = s2; s2 = mess + "\n" + "cmdbld: " + " ClientImpl.sdat [ " + ( l_count -1 ) + " ] = " +ClientImpl.sdat [ l_count -1 ] + "(dec), " + "0x" + Integer.toHexStrin g( ClientImpl.sdat [ l_count -1 ] ) + "(hex)"; mess = s2; // CAMAC LAM handling. // CAMAC DMA action. } public void keyincmd() { char cstr[] = new char[20]; char n[] = new char[4]; char a[] = new char[4]; char f[] = new char[4]; char kc[] = new char[4]; int c[] = new int[3]; int i, i2, count, loop, k_error; int spoin, epoin; int examN; String cn = "0", ca = "0", cf = "0"; String tmp; String nchk[] = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", " b", "c", "d", "e", "f" }; String s2 = ""; loop = 1; epoin = 0; // ClientImpl.scmd[0] = 0xe0030010; // ClientImpl.sdat[0] = 0x555; // N,A,F CAMAC command set up. count = ClientImpl.acmd.length(); // Single action set up. i2 = 0; for ( i = 0; i < ClientImpl.acmd.length(); i++ ) { if ( COM == ClientImpl.acmd.charAt ( i ) ) { c[ i2++ ] = i; } } cn = ClientImpl.acmd.substring ( 0, c[ 0 ] ); ca = ClientImpl.acmd.substring ( c[ 0 ] +1, c[ 1 ] ); cf = ClientImpl.acmd.substring ( c[ 1 ] +1, count ); String s1 = "keyincmd: " + "cn =" + cn + ", ca =" + ca + ", cf =" + cf ; mess = s1; try{ int in = Integer.parseInt(cn, 10); if ( ( in < 0 ) || ( in > 25 ) ) { s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: Error: Command Error: Illegal value of N: Out of range !!"; mess = s2; return; } int ia = Integer.parseInt(ca, 10); if ( ( ia < 0 ) || ( ia > 15 ) ) { s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: Error: Command Error: Illegal value of A: Out of range !! "; mess = s2; return; } int inf = Integer.parseInt(cf, 10); if ( ( inf < 0 ) || ( inf > 31 ) ) { s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: Error: Command Error: Illegal value of F: Out of range !! "; mess = s2; return; } if ( ( inf >= 16 ) && ( inf <= 23 ) ) { // データ入力要求 int datf = 0; count = ClientImpl.adat.length(); String cdat = ClientImpl.adat.substring ( 0, count ); for ( i = 0; i < count -1; i++) { String cdat1 = cdat.substring ( i, i + 1 ); // numerical check for ( i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++ ) { if ( cdat1.equals( nchk [ i2 ] ) ) { datf = 0; break; } datf = 1; } if ( datf == 1 ) { s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: Error : Data error: Ille gal character --- " + cdat1 + " !"; mess = s2; break; } } if ( datf == 1) { // continue; return; } ClientImpl.sdat [ loop -1 ] = Integer.parseInt( cdat, 16); s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: Data : " + ClientImpl.sdat[ loo p -1 ] + "(dec), 0x" + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.sdat [ loop -1 ] ) + "(he x)"; mess = s2; if ( ( ClientImpl.sdat [ loop -1 ] < 0 ) || ( ClientImpl.sdat[ loop -1 ] > 0xffffff ) ) { // continue; s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: Data : Data error: Out of range --- " + Integer.toHexString( ClientImpl.sdat [ loop -1 ] ) + " !"; mess = s2; return; } } // CAMAC command set up. cmdbld ( in, ia, inf, loop ); s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: return from cmdbld () \n"; mess = s2; epoin++; examN = 0xe; s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: loop = " + loop; mess = s2; camac_exec( loop, examN ); s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: return from camac_exec () \n"; mess = s2; /* Begin !!!! E.Inoue !!!! End !!!! E.Inoue !!!! */ } catch (NumberFormatException e) { s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: Error: NumberFormatException occu rred !! \n"; mess = s2; } s2 = mess + "\n" + "keyincmd: " + "Sent Reply command field = 0xe0030010" + ", data field = 0x555"; mess = s2; return; } } [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ (2-1-4B-2). cam.java [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ cat cam.java // File name: cam.java // Date: Apr 28, 2003 // Edited by: Eiji Inoue // // // Parallel camac // packet format of basic camac opeation // TX // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // | cmd | N | A | F | | 24-bit DATA | // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // // RX // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // | rply | N | A | F | ST | 24-bit DATA | // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ public class cam { public native int cmdArray(int j_cmd[], int j_dat[], int jrp_cmd[], int jrp_da t[], int j_length, int j_examN); static { System.loadLibrary("MyImpOfcam"); } } [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ (2-1-4B-3). cam.c [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ more cam.c // file name: cam.c // Date: Apr 28, 2003 // Edited by: E.Inoue // // Parallel camac // packet format of basic camac opeation // TX // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // | cmd | N | A | F | | 24-bit DATA | // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // // RX // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // | rply | N | A | F | ST | 24-bit DATA | // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ #include
#include #include #include "cam.h" // exam1.c, from here #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include "pcc.h" // to #define BASE 0xE800 #define TX_DATA1REG BASE #define TX_DATA2REG (BASE+4) /* #define TX_STATUSREG (BASE+0x10) */ #define TX_STATUSREG (BASE+0x1c) #define TXSTATUS_BUSY 0x10000 #define TXSTATUS_TIMEOUT 0x20000 #define RX_DATA1REG (BASE+0x20) #define RX_DATA2REG (BASE+0x24) /* #define RX_FIFOREG (BASE+0x30) */ #define RX_FIFOREG (BASE+0x3c) #define CMD_F16_A0_N3 0xE0030010 #define CMD_F0_A0_N3 0xE0030000 // exam1.c, read.c, from here //#define SWREG 4 #define SWREG 3 #define CC_READ 0 #define CC_WRITE 16 #define CC_COUNT 10 #define CC_COUNT1 20 #define BUF_LEN 1000*2 // to JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_cam_cmdArray(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray r_cmd, jintArray r_dat, ji ntArray cmd_buf, jintArray rpl_buf, jint length1, jint examN) { int sum = 0; jsize len1 = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, r_cmd); jint *c_cmd = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, r_cmd, 0); jsize len2 = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, r_dat); jint *c_dat = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, r_dat, 0); jsize len3 = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, cmd_buf); jint *ccmdbuf = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, cmd_buf, 0); jsize len4 = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, rpl_buf); jint *crplybuf = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, rpl_buf, 0); int loop1 = length1; int ii, j, data, cmd, value; int example = examN; // exam1.c, exam2.c, exam21.c, exam3.c, exam4.c, exam5.c exam6.c, pio_write_read .c, read.c, read_write.c from here int fd, i, len; int status, loop = 1; int length = BUF_LEN; int* cbuf = ccmdbuf + 2; int* rbuf = crplybuf + 2; int rply; struct pccreg pccreg; unsigned int i1, j1, k1; int retlen; int *w_buffer, *r_buffer; int count, result; int packet1, packet2; struct pollfd pollfds; int timeout = 5000;/* Timeout in msec. */ // to here. printf ("\n JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: "); printf ("array length = %d\n", length1); printf ("example number = %d\n", example); switch ( example ) { case 0xe: // camac Single action from remote machine, from here. ccmdbuf[1] = length1 * 2; // for (i=1; i < length1 +2; i++) { for (i=0; i < length1 +1; i++) { printf(" c_cmd[%d] = 0x%x, c_dat[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, c_cmd[i], i, c_ dat[i]); } if( iopl(3) ){ printf("can not change the privilege level\n"); exit(0); } printf("\n JNI, C side: CAMAC access\n"); // for( i = 1; i < loop1 + 1; i++) { for( i = 0; i < loop1 + 1; i++) { switch (c_cmd[i] & 0x00000018) { case 0x00000010 : // CAMAC Write // 送信可能状態になるまで待つ value = inl(TX_STATUSREG); while (value & TXSTATUS_BUSY) { if (value & TXSTATUS_TIMEOUT) break; value = inl(TX_STATUSREG); } // camac writeコマンド&データをセットして、PCIレジスタに書き込む data = c_dat[i] & 0x00ffffff; outl(data, TX_DATA1REG); outl(CMD_F16_A0_N3, TX_DATA2REG); printf(" camac write data: data = 0x%x\n", data); // camac応答が読み出し可能状態になるまで待つ value = 0; do { value = inl(RX_FIFOREG); // for PCI ROM of new version // value = value >> 24; } while( value < 2 ); // camacからの受信用レジスタを読んで camacからの応答を得る data = inl(RX_DATA1REG); cmd = inl(RX_DATA2REG); printf(" camac write command reply: cmd = 0x%x : data = %x\ n", cmd, data); c_cmd[i] = cmd; c_dat[i] = data; break; case 0x00000000 : // CAMAC Read // 送信可能状態になるまで待つ value = inl(TX_STATUSREG); while (value & TXSTATUS_BUSY) { if (value & TXSTATUS_TIMEOUT) break; value = inl(TX_STATUSREG); } // camac readコマンド&データをセットして、PCIレジスタに書き込む outl(CMD_F0_A0_N3, TX_DATA2REG); // camac応答が読み出し可能状態になるまで待つ value = 0; do { value = inl(RX_FIFOREG); // for PCI ROM of new version // value = value >> 24; } while( value < 2); // camacからの受信用レジスタを読んで camacからの応答を得る data = inl(RX_DATA1REG); cmd = inl(RX_DATA2REG); data = 0xffffff & data; ii = 0xffffff & c_dat[i]; printf(" camac read command reply: cmd = 0x%x : data = 0x%x \n", cmd, data); c_cmd[i] = cmd; c_dat[i] = data; break; default : // Default break; } } break; default: break; } (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, r_cmd, c_cmd, 0); (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, r_dat, c_dat, 0); (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, cmd_buf, ccmdbuf, 0); (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, rpl_buf, crplybuf, 0); return sum; } [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ (2-1-4B-4). コンパイル& 実行 サーバ側のソフトをコンパイルし起動させる。 [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ pwd /home/inoue/public_html/Web [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ make clean rm -f *.class cam.h libMyImpOfcam.so *.o core *~ [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ make javac web3.java javac cam.java javah -jni cam gcc -c camac.c gcc -O -shared -I/usr/java/include -I/usr/java/include/linux cam.c camac.o -o li bMyImpOfcam.so javac ServerImpl.java rmic ClientImpl rmic ServerImpl [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ [root@onlsbc1 Web]# ps -ef UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 1 0 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:04 init root 2 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 [keventd] root 3 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 [kapmd] root 4 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 [ksoftirqd_CPU0] root 5 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 [kswapd] root 6 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 [bdflush] root 7 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 [kupdated] root 8 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 [mdrecoveryd] root 12 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 [kjournald] root 63 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 [khubd] root 433 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 syslogd -m 0 root 437 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 klogd -x rpc 448 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:00 [portmap] root 511 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:11 /usr/sbin/sshd root 523 1 0 Jun16 ? 00:00:01 [login] root 524 1 0 Jun16 tty2 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty2 root 525 1 0 Jun16 tty3 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty3 root 526 1 0 Jun16 tty4 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty4 root 527 1 0 Jun16 tty5 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty5 root 528 1 0 Jun16 tty6 00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty6 inoue 935 523 0 Jun23 tty1 00:00:00 -bash root 3350 1 0 08:31 ? 00:00:00 [rpciod] root 3351 1 0 08:31 ? 00:00:00 [lockd] root 3406 511 0 08:35 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd inoue 3408 3406 0 08:35 ? 00:00:18 [sshd] inoue 3409 3408 0 08:35 pts/0 00:00:01 -bash root 7504 3409 1 16:30 pts/0 00:00:00 [su] root 7505 7504 3 16:30 pts/0 00:00:00 bash root 7535 7505 0 16:30 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -ef [root@onlsbc1 Web]# この時点ではすでに、 # /sbin/insmod pcc.o は実行されて、pccドライバはロードされていること。 [root@onlsbc1 public_html]# pwd /home/inoue/public_html [root@onlsbc1 public_html]# ./w e840 1 outl(0x1, 0x0000e840) [root@onlsbc1 public_html]# [root@onlsbc1 Web]# /sbin/service httpd start httpdを起動中: [ OK ] [root@onlsbc1 Web]# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH [root@onlsbc1 Web]# rmiregistry & [1] 7569 [root@onlsbc1 Web]# java ServerImpl bind done RMI: Server side: RMI: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, dat[0] = 0xffff cmd[1] = 0x0, dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: before Native Call ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0xffff ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 example number = 14 c_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, c_dat[0] = 0xffff c_cmd[1] = 0x0, c_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, C side: CAMAC access camac write data: data = 0xffff camac write command reply: cmd = 0xe0030010 : data = 23000000 camac read command reply: cmd = 0xe0030000 : data = 0xffff JNI, Java side: after Native Call array length = 1 RMI: Server side: RMI: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, dat[0] = 0xffff cmd[1] = 0x0, dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: before Native Call ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0xffff ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 example number = 14 c_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, c_dat[0] = 0xffff c_cmd[1] = 0x0, c_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, C side: CAMAC access camac read command reply: cmd = 0xe0030000 : data = 0xffff camac read command reply: cmd = 0xe0030000 : data = 0xffff JNI, Java side: after Native Call array length = 1 RMI: Server side: RMI: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, dat[0] = 0x5555 cmd[1] = 0x0, dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: before Native Call ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0x5555 ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 example number = 14 c_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, c_dat[0] = 0x5555 c_cmd[1] = 0x0, c_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, C side: CAMAC access camac write data: data = 0x5555 camac write command reply: cmd = 0xe0030010 : data = 23000000 camac read command reply: cmd = 0xe0030000 : data = 0x5555 JNI, Java side: after Native Call array length = 1 RMI: Server side: RMI: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, dat[0] = 0x5555 cmd[1] = 0x0, dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: before Native Call ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0x5555 ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 example number = 14 c_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, c_dat[0] = 0x5555 c_cmd[1] = 0x0, c_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, C side: CAMAC access camac read command reply: cmd = 0xe0030000 : data = 0x5555 camac read command reply: cmd = 0xe0030000 : data = 0x5555 JNI, Java side: after Native Call array length = 1 (2-1-4B-5). リモートからのアクセス サーバ側のソフトを起動しておいてから、リモートからWebブラウザでアクセス する。 ok. IE6.0からonlsbc1にアクセスして、ポートI/OによるCAMACアクセスが実行 できた。 (2-1-5). CAMACライブラリおよびドライバを使用する 上記の項目2-1-4での実行は、ポートI/OによるCAMACアクセスであった。 ここ ではCAMACライブラリおよびドライバを使用してCAMACアクセスするように変更 して実行する。 (2-1-5A). CAMACライブラリおよびドライバのインストール [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ df -k Filesystem 1K-ブロック 使用 使用可 使用% マウント位置 /dev/hdc1 484602 433175 26405 95% / none 152188 0 152188 0% /dev/shm onlpara:/home2/onlpara-wrk 22659860 1186812 20321992 6% /home [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ pwd /home/inoue/public_html/camac [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ make clean rm -f *.o *~ core \ pio_write_read write_read read_write \ gen_cam dec_cam dump_reg measure \ exam1 exam2 exam21 exam22 exam23 exam3 exam4 exam5 exam6 \ cam put_cam get_cam clr_fifo [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ make gcc -O2 -Wall -c -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE -Wall -I/usr/src/linux-2.4/include pcc.c pcc.c: 関数 `pcc_interrupt' 内: pcc.c:171: 警告: 変数 `data' は使われませんでした pcc.c: 関数 `pcc_read' 内: pcc.c:528: 警告: 変数 `i' は使われませんでした pcc.c: 関数 `pcc_write' 内: pcc.c:600: 警告: 変数 `i' は使われませんでした pcc.c: 関数 `init_module' 内: pcc.c:692: 警告: 変数 `i' は使われませんでした pcc.c: トップレベル: pcc.c:53: 警告: `tv' が定義されましたが使われませんでした gcc -c camac.c gcc -c camlib.c gcc -o gen_cam gen_cam.c camac.o gcc -o dec_cam dec_cam.c camac.o gcc -o dump_reg dump_reg.c camac.o gcc -o measure measure.c camac.o gcc -o exam0 exam0.c camac.o gcc -o exam1 exam1.c data_pattern.c camac.o exam1.c: 関数 `main' 内: exam1.c:130: 警告: 複合文の終りでラベルを使うことは推奨されません gcc -o exam2 exam2.c data_pattern.c camac.o gcc -o exam3 exam3.c data_pattern.c camac.o gcc -o exam4 exam4.c data_pattern.c camac.o gcc -o cam cam.c camac.o gcc -o put_cam put_cam.c camac.o gcc -o get_cam get_cam.c camac.o gcc -o clr_fifo clr_fifo.c camac.o gcc -o rst_cam rst_cam.c camac.o gcc -o camtest1c camtest1c.c camlib.c camac.o [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ ls -l 合計 532 -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 2237 6月 25 14:42 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 1072 6月 27 10:02 README -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 19519 7月 2 08:57 cam -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 1050 4月 29 10:47 cam.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 158 4月 23 13:42 cam.sh -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 13325 6月 27 11:22 camac.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 8600 7月 2 08:57 camac.o -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 2705 6月 27 11:14 camlib.c -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 212 6月 27 14:35 camlib.h -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 2824 7月 2 08:57 camlib.o -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 21333 7月 2 08:57 camtest1c -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 1882 6月 27 11:16 camtest1c.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 18937 7月 2 08:57 clr_fifo -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 411 4月 29 16:32 clr_fifo.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 3286 6月 23 14:51 data_pattern.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 19171 7月 2 08:57 dec_cam -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 480 4月 29 11:05 dec_cam.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 18969 7月 2 08:57 dump_reg -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 468 6月 25 14:01 dump_reg.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 21846 7月 2 08:57 exam0 -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 4454 6月 13 13:56 exam0.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 24033 7月 2 08:57 exam1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 4002 7月 1 19:04 exam1.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 23449 7月 2 08:57 exam2 -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 3245 6月 20 15:17 exam2.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 22529 7月 2 08:57 exam3 -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 2451 6月 27 11:34 exam3.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 21857 7月 2 08:57 exam4 -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 1754 6月 27 11:35 exam4.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 20032 4月 28 21:07 gen -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 19363 7月 2 08:57 gen_cam -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 619 4月 29 11:05 gen_cam.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 19000 7月 2 08:57 get_cam -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 473 4月 29 18:53 get_cam.c drwxrwxr-x 2 inoue inoue 4096 6月 27 13:28 junk -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 65 4月 30 19:14 loop.sh -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 20527 7月 2 08:57 measure -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 3165 4月 30 19:07 measure.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 269 4月 23 11:38 measure.txt drwxrwxr-x 2 inoue inoue 4096 6月 16 15:36 old -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 23469 6月 27 11:32 pcc.c -rw-r--r-- 1 inoue inoue 6364 6月 23 14:07 pcc.h -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 10632 7月 2 08:57 pcc.o -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 682 4月 8 14:23 performance.txt -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 19203 7月 2 08:57 put_cam -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 573 4月 29 15:59 put_cam.c -rwxrwxr-x 1 inoue inoue 18936 7月 2 08:57 rst_cam -rw-rw-r-- 1 inoue inoue 401 4月 29 16:32 rst_cam.c [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ /devディレクトリに pcc0名のデバイスファイルを作成。 [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ ls -l /dev | more : crw------- 1 root root 14, 33 8月 31 2002 patmgr1 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 46, 0 8月 31 2002 pcd0 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 46, 1 8月 31 2002 pcd1 : [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ [root@onlsbc1 camac]# pwd /home/inoue/public_html/camac [root@onlsbc1 camac]# make device mknod -m 666 /dev/pcc0 c 70 0 [root@onlsbc1 camac]# [root@onlsbc1 camac]# ls -l /dev/p* | more : crw------- 1 root root 14, 33 8月 31 2002 /dev/patmgr1 crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 70, 0 7月 2 09:03 /dev/pcc0 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 46, 0 8月 31 2002 /dev/pcd0 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 46, 1 8月 31 2002 /dev/pcd1 : [root@onlsbc1 camac]# Linuxカーネルの中に pcc0デバイスドライバをロードする。 [root@onlsbc1 camac]# /sbin/insmod pcc.o Warning: loading pcc.o will taint the kernel: no license See http://www.tux.org/lkml/#export-tainted for information about tainted modu les Module pcc loaded, with warnings [root@onlsbc1 camac]# [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ /bin/dmesg | more Linux version 2.4.18-27.8.0 (bhcompile@sylvester.devel.redhat.com) (gcc version 3.2 20020903 (Red Hat Linux 8.0 3.2-7)) #1 Fri Mar 14 08:42:52 EST 2003 BIOS-provided physical RAM map: BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 00000000000a0000 (usable) BIOS-e820: 00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 0000000012ff0000 (usable) BIOS-e820: 0000000012ff0000 - 0000000012ff3000 (ACPI NVS) BIOS-e820: 0000000012ff3000 - 0000000013000000 (ACPI data) BIOS-e820: 00000000ffff0000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved) 303MB LOWMEM available. On node 0 totalpages: 77808 zone(0): 4096 pages. zone(1): 73712 pages. zone(2): 0 pages. Kernel command line: ro root=/dev/hdc1 ramdisk_size=32768 Initializing CPU#0 Detected 497.763 MHz processor. Speakup v-1.00 CVS: Tue Jun 11 14:22:53 EDT 2002 : initialized Console: colour VGA+ 80x25 Calibrating delay loop... 989.59 BogoMIPS Memory: 301924k/311232k available (1181k kernel code, 6748k reserved, 997k data, 152k init, 0k highmem) Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) Inode cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) Mount cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) ramfs: mounted with options:
ramfs: max_pages=38012 max_file_pages=0 max_inodes=0 max_dentries=38012 Buffer cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) Page-cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) CPU: Before vendor init, caps: 0084883f 0081813f 0000000e, vendor = 7 CPU: L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (32 bytes/line) CPU: L2 Cache: 256K (128 bytes/line) CPU: Processor revision, 500 MHz CPU: Code Morphing Software revision 4.2.5-8-148 CPU: 20010503 11:00 official release 4.2.5#1 CPU: After vendor init, caps: 0084893f 0081813f 0000000e 00000000 CPU serial number disabled. CPU: After generic, caps: 0080893f 0081813f 0000000e 00000000 CPU: Common caps: 0080893f 0081813f 0000000e 00000000 CPU: Transmeta(tm) Crusoe(tm) Processor TM5400 stepping 03 Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK. Checking for popad bug... OK. POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX mtrr: v1.40 (20010327) Richard Gooch (rgooch@atnf.csiro.au) mtrr: detected mtrr type: none PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfb330, last bus=0 PCI: Using configuration type 1 PCI: Probing PCI hardware PCI: Using IRQ router VIA [1106/0686] at 00:07.0 isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards... isapnp: No Plug & Play device found speakup: initialized device: /dev/synth, node (MAJOR 10, MINOR 25) Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4 Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039 Initializing RT netlink socket apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x07 (Driver version 1.16) Starting kswapd VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.5.0 initialized Detected PS/2 Mouse Port. pty: 512 Unix98 ptys configured Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with MANY_PORTS MULTIPORT SHARE_IRQ SER IAL_PCI ISAPNP enabled ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A Real Time Clock Driver v1.10e block: 576 slots per queue, batch=144 Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.31 ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx VP_IDE: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39 VP_IDE: chipset revision 16 VP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx VP_IDE: VIA vt82c686a (rev 22) IDE UDMA66 controller on pci00:07.1 ide0: BM-DMA at 0xd000-0xd007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio ide1: BM-DMA at 0xd008-0xd00f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio hda: TOSHIBA MK4018GAS, ATA DISK drive hdc: SanDisk SDCFB-512, ATA DISK drive ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14 ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15 hda: 78140160 sectors (40008 MB), CHS=4864/255/63, UDMA(33) hdc: 1000944 sectors (512 MB) w/1KiB Cache, CHS=993/16/63 ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide Partition check: hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 < hda5 hda6 hda7 > hdc: hdc1 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077 NET4: Frame Diverter 0.46 RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 32768K size 1024 blocksize ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide md: md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27 md: Autodetecting RAID arrays. md: autorun ... md: ... autorun DONE. NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0 IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP IP: routing cache hash table of 2048 buckets, 16Kbytes TCP: Hash tables configured (established 32768 bind 65536) Linux IP multicast router 0.06 plus PIM-SM NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0. RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0 Freeing initrd memory: 122k freed VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem). Journalled Block Device driver loaded hdc: hdc1 hdc: hdc1 kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Freeing unused kernel memory: 152k freed usb.c: registered new driver usbdevfs usb.c: registered new driver hub usb-uhci.c: $Revision: 1.275 $ time 08:59:07 Mar 14 2003 usb-uhci.c: High bandwidth mode enabled PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:07.2 PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:0e.0 usb-uhci.c: USB UHCI at I/O 0xd400, IRQ 11 usb-uhci.c: Detected 2 ports usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 hub.c: USB hub found hub.c: 2 ports detected usb-uhci.c: v1.275:USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1, assigned device number 2 usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x46d/0xc00c) is not claimed by any active driver . usb.c: registered new driver hiddev usb.c: registered new driver hid input0: USB HID v1.10 Mouse [Logitech USB Optical Mouse] on usb1:2.0 hid-core.c: v1.8.1 Andreas Gal, Vojtech Pavlik hid-core.c: USB HID support drivers mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.18, 14 May 2002 on ide1(22,1), internal journal parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778) [PCSPP,TRISTATE] parport_pc: Via 686A parallel port: io=0x378 ohci1394: pci_module_init failed eepro100.c:v1.09j-t 9/29/99 Donald Becker http://www.scyld.com/network/eepro100. html eepro100.c: $Revision: 1.36 $ 2000/11/17 Modified by Andrey V. Savochkin and others PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:0e.0 PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:07.2 divert: allocating divert_blk for eth0 eth0: OEM i82557/i82558 10/100 Ethernet, 00:D0:C9:63:67:64, IRQ 11. Board assembly 727095-004, Physical connectors present: RJ45 Primary interface chip i82555 PHY #1. General self-test: passed. Serial sub-system self-test: passed. Internal registers self-test: passed. ROM checksum self-test: passed (0xdbd8681d). usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 31, frame# 1533 usb-uhci.c: Host controller halted, trying to restart. PCI: Found IRQ 5 for device 00:09.0 pcc:IO_BASE = e800 irq number of PCC = 5 PCC has been installed. [inoue@onlsbc1 camac]$ PCCはインストールされた。 (2-1-5B). JNIプログラム、cam.c を変更して実行 JNIプログラム、cam.cファイルに cam_put()、cam_get()のCAMACコールを書き 加える。 (2-1-5B-1). cam.cファイルの変更 [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ pwd /home/inoue/public_html/Web [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ more cam.c // file name: cam.c // Date: Jul 3, 2003 // Edited by: E.Inoue // // Parallel camac // packet format of basic camac opeation // TX // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // | cmd | N | A | F | | 24-bit DATA | // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // // RX // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ // | rply | N | A | F | ST | 24-bit DATA | // +---------+-------+-------+-------+-------+---------------------------+ #include #include #include #include "cam.h" // exam1.c, from here #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pcc.h" // to #define BASE 0xE800 #define TX_DATA1REG BASE #define TX_DATA2REG (BASE+4) /* #define TX_STATUSREG (BASE+0x10) */ #define TX_STATUSREG (BASE+0x1c) #define TXSTATUS_BUSY 0x10000 #define TXSTATUS_TIMEOUT 0x20000 #define RX_DATA1REG (BASE+0x20) #define RX_DATA2REG (BASE+0x24) /* #define RX_FIFOREG (BASE+0x30) */ #define RX_FIFOREG (BASE+0x3c) #define CMD_F16_A0_N3 0xE0030010 #define CMD_F0_A0_N3 0xE0030000 // exam1.c, read.c, from here //#define SWREG 4 #define SWREG 3 #define CC_READ 0 #define CC_WRITE 16 #define CC_COUNT 10 #define CC_COUNT1 20 #define BUF_LEN 1000*2 // to JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_cam_cmdArray(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray r_cmd, jintArray r_dat, ji ntArray cmd_buf, jintArray rpl_buf, jint length1, jint examN) { int sum = 0; jsize len1 = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, r_cmd); jint *c_cmd = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, r_cmd, 0); jsize len2 = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, r_dat); jint *c_dat = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, r_dat, 0); jsize len3 = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, cmd_buf); jint *ccmdbuf = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, cmd_buf, 0); jsize len4 = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, rpl_buf); jint *crplybuf = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, rpl_buf, 0); int loop1 = length1; // int ii, j, data, cmd, value; int ii, j, data, value; int example = examN; // exam1.c, exam2.c, exam21.c, exam3.c, exam4.c, exam5.c exam6.c, pio_write_read .c, read.c, read_write.c from here int fd, i, len; int status, loop = 1; int length = BUF_LEN; int* cbuf = ccmdbuf + 2; int* rbuf = crplybuf + 2; int rply; struct pccreg pccreg; unsigned int i1, j1, k1; int retlen; int *w_buffer, *r_buffer; int count, result; int packet1, packet2; struct pollfd pollfds; int timeout = 5000;/* Timeout in msec. */ // to here. int QX; int wdata, rdata, cmd, reply; printf ("\n JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: "); printf ("array length = %d\n", length1); printf ("example number = %d\n", example); // switch ( example ) { // case 0xe: // camac Single action from remote machine, from here. ccmdbuf[1] = length1 * 2; // for (i=1; i < length1 +2; i++) { for (i=0; i < length1 +1; i++) { printf(" c_cmd[%d] = 0x%x, c_dat[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, c_cmd[i], i, c_ dat[i]); } /* if( iopl(3) ){ printf("can not change the privilege level\n"); // exit(0); } */ if((fd = cam_open( )) == -1) { printf("cam_open error\n"); // exit(0); } status = 0; cmd = c_cmd[0]; wdata = c_dat[0] & 0x00fffff; // if( (status = cam_put( fd, wdata, cmd )) < 0 ) { cam_put( fd, wdata, cmd ); // if( (status = cam_put( fd, c_dat[0], c_cmd[0] )) < 0 ) { // printf("cam_put error\n"); // exit(0); // } status = 0; // if( (status = cam_get( fd, &rdata, &reply )) < 0 ) { cam_get( fd, &rdata, &reply ); // if( (status = cam_get( fd, &c_dat, &c_cmd[0] )) < 0 ) { // printf("cam_get error\n"); // exit(0); // } c_cmd[0] = reply; c_dat[0] = rdata; // QX = (rdata >> 24) & 3; QX = (c_dat[0] >> 24) & 3; printf("Q = %d : X = %d ", QX&1, (QX>>1)&1); // if( f >=0 && f <= 7 ) // printf(": data = %x", (rdata&0xFFFFFF)); printf(": data = %x", (c_dat[0]&0xFFFFFF)); // printf("\n"); cam_close( fd ); /* if( iopl(3) ){ printf("can not change the privilege level\n"); exit(0); } printf("\n JNI, C side: CAMAC access\n"); // for( i = 1; i < loop1 + 1; i++) { for( i = 0; i < loop1 + 1; i++) { switch (c_cmd[i] & 0x00000018) { case 0x00000010 : // CAMAC Write // 送信可能状態になるまで待つ value = inl(TX_STATUSREG); while (value & TXSTATUS_BUSY) { if (value & TXSTATUS_TIMEOUT) break; value = inl(TX_STATUSREG); } // camac writeコマンド&データをセットして、PCIレジスタに書き込む data = c_dat[i] & 0x00ffffff; outl(data, TX_DATA1REG); outl(CMD_F16_A0_N3, TX_DATA2REG); printf(" camac write data: data = 0x%x\n", data); // camac応答が読み出し可能状態になるまで待つ value = 0; do { value = inl(RX_FIFOREG); // for PCI ROM of new version // value = value >> 24; } while( value < 2 ); // camacからの受信用レジスタを読んで camacからの応答を得る data = inl(RX_DATA1REG); cmd = inl(RX_DATA2REG); printf(" camac write command reply: cmd = 0x%x : data = %x\ n", cmd, data); c_cmd[i] = cmd; c_dat[i] = data; break; case 0x00000000 : // CAMAC Read // 送信可能状態になるまで待つ value = inl(TX_STATUSREG); while (value & TXSTATUS_BUSY) { if (value & TXSTATUS_TIMEOUT) break; value = inl(TX_STATUSREG); } // camac readコマンド&データをセットして、PCIレジスタに書き込む outl(CMD_F0_A0_N3, TX_DATA2REG); // camac応答が読み出し可能状態になるまで待つ value = 0; do { value = inl(RX_FIFOREG); // for PCI ROM of new version // value = value >> 24; } while( value < 2); // camacからの受信用レジスタを読んで camacからの応答を得る data = inl(RX_DATA1REG); cmd = inl(RX_DATA2REG); data = 0xffffff & data; ii = 0xffffff & c_dat[i]; printf(" camac read command reply: cmd = 0x%x : data = 0x%x \n", cmd, data); c_cmd[i] = cmd; c_dat[i] = data; break; default : // Default break; } } break; default: break; } */ (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, r_cmd, c_cmd, 0); (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, r_dat, c_dat, 0); (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, cmd_buf, ccmdbuf, 0); (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, rpl_buf, crplybuf, 0); return sum; } [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ (2-1-5B-2). コンパイルおよび web3プログラムの実行 [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ pwd /home/inoue/public_html/Web [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ make clean rm -f *.class cam.h libMyImpOfcam.so *.o core *~ [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ make gcc -c camac.c javac web3.java javac cam.java javah -jni cam gcc -O -shared -I/usr/java/include -I/usr/java/include/linux cam.c camac.o -o li bMyImpOfcam.so javac ServerImpl.java rmic ClientImpl rmic ServerImpl [inoue@onlsbc1 Web]$ [root@onlsbc1 Web]# /sbin/service httpd start httpdを起動中: [ OK ] [root@onlsbc1 Web]# [root@onlsbc1 public_html]# pwd /home/inoue/public_html [root@onlsbc1 public_html]# ./w e840 1 outl(0x1, 0x0000e840) [root@onlsbc1 public_html]# [root@onlsbc1 Web]# pwd /home/inoue/public_html/Web [root@onlsbc1 Web]# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH [root@onlsbc1 Web]# rmiregistry & [1] 1602 [root@onlsbc1 Web]# java ServerImpl bind done RMI: Server side: RMI: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, dat[0] = 0x5555 cmd[1] = 0x0, dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: before Native Call ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0x5555 ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 example number = 14 c_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, c_dat[0] = 0x5555 c_cmd[1] = 0x0, c_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: after Native Call array length = 1 RMI: Server side: RMI: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, dat[0] = 0x5555 cmd[1] = 0x0, dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: before Native Call ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0x5555 ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 Q = 1 : X = 1 : data = ffff JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 example number = 14 c_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, c_dat[0] = 0x5555 c_cmd[1] = 0x0, c_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: after Native Call array length = 1 RMI: Server side: RMI: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, dat[0] = 0xffff cmd[1] = 0x0, dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: before Native Call ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0xffff ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 Q = 1 : X = 1 : data = 0 JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 example number = 14 c_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, c_dat[0] = 0xffff c_cmd[1] = 0x0, c_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: after Native Call array length = 1 RMI: Server side: RMI: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, dat[0] = 0xffff cmd[1] = 0x0, dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: before Native Call ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0xffff ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 Q = 1 : X = 1 : data = 5555 JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 example number = 14 c_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, c_dat[0] = 0xffff c_cmd[1] = 0x0, c_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: after Native Call array length = 1 (2-1-5B-3). リモートからのアクセス サーバ側のソフトを起動しておいてから、リモートからWebブラウザでアクセス する。 ok. 正しく実行できた。 (2-1-5B-4). 不要なメッセージ等を削除 テストの途中で挿入した不要なメッセージ出力や不必要な命令文を削除する。 ゴミ落としをやった後の実行。 [root@onlsbc1 Web]# ./web.sh Wait. In Process ............. bind done RMI: Server side: JNI, Java side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, dat[0] = 0xffff cmd[1] = 0x0, dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: before Native Call ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0xffff ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 example number = 14 c_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, c_dat[0] = 0xffff c_cmd[1] = 0x0, c_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: after Native Call array length = 1 ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030010, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0x23000000 ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 RMI: Server side: JNI, Java side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, dat[0] = 0xffff cmd[1] = 0x0, dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: before Native Call ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0xffff ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0 Q = 1 : X = 1 : data = 0 JNI, C side: Received CAMAC command: array length = 1 example number = 14 c_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, c_dat[0] = 0xffff c_cmd[1] = 0x0, c_dat[1] = 0x0 JNI, Java side: after Native Call array length = 1 ServerImpl.r_cmd[0] = 0xe0030000, ServerImpl.r_dat[0] = 0x2300ffff ServerImpl.r_cmd[1] = 0x0, ServerImpl.r_dat[1] = 0x0
ok. これでWebアプリケーションは一通り動作した。 ---xxxx