EPC-6315 BIOS setting for COPPER board

EPC-6315 のシリアルポートの工場出荷時設定は 115200 bps です。
BIOS setting menu へは OS が起動する前に [F2] key を押す。
シリアルターミナルの場合は PF2 ([ESC]OQ)を送出。

Advanced → PrPMC Customizations

                           PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility
|              PrPMC Customizations                  |   Item Specific Help    |
|                                                    |                         |
|   Backplane I/O:       [Enabled]                   | Backplane Ready:        |
|   Backplane Ready:     [Enabled]                   | Enabled allows the      |
|   Memory Remap 0       [512MB]                     | system to quickly       |
|   Memory Remap 1       [512MB]                     | boot by setting         |
|   Memory Base/Limit 0  [Use System BIOS Settings]  | the backplane ready     |
|   Memory Base/Limit 1  [Use System BIOS Settings]  | bit.                    |
|   SCSI Controller:     [Disabled]                  | Disabled prevents       |
|                                                    | the backplane ready     |
|                                                    | bit from getting        |
|                                                    | set by the System       |
|                                                    | BIOS allowing           |
|                                                    | configuration           |
|                                                    | software to assign      |
|                                                    | resources.              |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
  F1   Help   ^v  Select Item   -/+    Change Values       F9   Setup Defaults
  Esc  Exit   <>  Select Menu   Enter  Select > Sub-Menu   F10  Save and Exit

Advanced → Console Redirection

                           PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility
|               Console Redirection                  |   Item Specific Help    |
|                                                    |                         |
|   Com Port Address           [On-board COM A]      | Enables the specified   |
|                                                    | baud rate.              |
|   Baud Rate                  [9600]                |                         |
|   Console Type               [VT100]               |                         |
|   Flow Control               [None]                |                         |
|   Console connection:        [Direct]              |                         |
|   Continue C.R. after POST:  [On]                  |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
  F1   Help   ^v  Select Item   -/+    Change Values       F9   Setup Defaults
  Esc  Exit   <>  Select Menu   Enter  Select > Sub-Menu   F10  Save and Exit

Exit → CMOS Save & Restore

                          PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility
|               CMOS Save & Restore                  |   Item Specific Help    |
|                                                    |                         |
|   CMOS Restore Condition:  [Always]                | Selects the condition   |
|   Save CMOS to Flash                               | which, if true, causes  |
|   Restore CMOS from Flash                          | the BIOS to restore     |
|   Erase CMOS from Flash                            | CMOS from Flash.        |
|                                                    | CMOS must have been     |
|                                                    | previously saved        |
|                                                    | to Flash for the        |
|                                                    | restoration to be       |
|                                                    | performed.              |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
  F1   Help   ^v  Select Item   -/+    Change Values       F9   Setup Defaults
  Esc  Exit   <>  Select Menu   Enter  Select > Sub-Menu   F10  Save and Exit

Exit → Save Changes で CMOS に save
Exit → CMOS Save & Restore → Save CMOS to Flash で flash memory に記録